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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E174: 5 Ways to Boost your Bottom Line With Intake

process improvement Mar 22, 2023
intake package

For the past few weeks, we’ve been providing you with tips to improve your intake process. Yesterday, we took our intake tips live with a great webinar called 5 Ways to Boost Your Bottom Line with a Strong Intake Process.

If you don’t get intake right, you’re losing money before you even start the legal work.

Because intake is critical to the success of your firm, for this week’s tip, we’re sharing those five ways with you. 

  1.  Map it out
    1. Where are people getting stuck or dropping out of the process?
    2. Where are you wasting time?
    3. Where do mistakes happen?
  1.  Pre-screen everyone
    1. Target your ideal clients
    2. Don’t waste resources on people who aren’t a good fit for your practice
  2.  Automate everything (or almost everything)
    1. Use a client relationship management (CRM) platform
    2. Create online intake forms that integrate with your practice management software
    3. Automatically send emails when people reach particular spots in your process
    4. Assign tasks to your team based on where your leads are in your process
  3.  Standardize as much as you can
    1. Create standard intake forms and emails
    2. Use a standard set of prompts and instructions for your intake team (or yourself, if you’re doing your intake…but you shouldn’t be, which brings us to…)
  4.  Remove the attorneys
    1. Most law firm intake tasks do not require a lawyer, yet many lawyers waste valuable time in their intake process
    2. Use an Answering Service or Intake Specialist for most of your intake process, and only bring the lawyers in to answer key questions and do the initial consultation.

If you’re thinking, “that sounds great, but I don’t have time to create a new intake process, come up with all those template emails, create scripts, or select a CRM platform…,” you don’t have to!

We’ve made it easy for you! 

We’ve put years of experience optimizing law firm intake processes into a plug-and-play kit that will save you hours of time.

We’re calling it the Ultimate Intake Package. It’s everything you need to handle new client inquiries efficiently, from initial contact to client onboarding.

You get:

âś… A customizable workflow map of the ideal intake process that you can tailor to your firm, your practice, and your clients

âś… Guides for setting up your process, staffing it, and automating it, including best practices for using an answering service

âś… Technology recommendations that we KNOW can help you automate your process (we’ve done the demos and talked to the vendors!)

âś… 9 customizable email templates that engage potential clients and provided you instructions for how to tailor them and when to send them.

âś… An intake script builder tool you can use to generate personalized scripts so your team can handle inquiries with confidence and professionalism.

And there’s more! See it all right here.

The Ultimate Intake Package is your shortcut to an efficient intake workflow. And for the rest of this week only, we’re offering it to all our Tip of the Week readers for only US$49.

Get Yours Now!



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