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Featured Article: 5 Tips To Streamline Time Entry For Lawyers industry challenges process improvement Jul 24, 2024

One of our clients once tracked how much time she spent entering her time and applied her billable rate. How much do you think it was across a year?


Yes. This partner was spending the...

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E233: Say goodbye to hourly rates and make the switch to fearless flat-fees industry challenges matter management productivity project management Jul 10, 2024

If you knew you would earn more money with a flat fee than an hourly rate, would you switch? 

There are lots of good reasons to make the switch, like:

  • Clients like the predictability and...
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E222: How using AI can quickly and effectively help you harness the power of your legal niche industry challenges process improvement Feb 28, 2024

There’s an old saying in marketing: the riches are in the niches. Defining a clear niche for your legal services is not just about narrowing your focus; it's about sharpening your edge in a...

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E221: How prospective client calls are a goldmine of opportunity for your law practice! industry challenges process improvement Feb 21, 2024

As lawyers, taking calls from prospective clients is a must. In a time where there are abundant choices and advertising is being pushed for different types of legal help, those potential clients...

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E217: Three Easy Ways to Use Measure from DMAIC for Process Improvement industry challenges process improvement Jan 24, 2024

Welcome back to our series on the Practice Accelerator Framework based on DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), a structured approach to process improvement. 

We started the...

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E210: Mastering Legal Innovation: Lessons for Lawyers and Law Firms industry challenges process improvement productivity Dec 06, 2023

When you think of innovation, what comes to mind?

Recently, we were working with an M&A practice group on defining their vision for their group. One partner suggested “Innovative”...

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E209: Boost Efficiency with Lean Six Sigma Strategies for Law Firms industry challenges process improvement productivity Nov 29, 2023

We started Gimbal because after years of practicing law ourselves, we knew how hard lawyers work—the long hours, the overwhelm, the stress—and we were convinced there was a better way....

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E202: The Hidden Waste in All of Our Law Offices: Overproduction industry challenges Oct 04, 2023

Do you keep paper files and electronic files for your matters? When you and your team receive an email, how many people save it?  When you buy something, do you get a paper receipt and a copy...

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E165: Already broken your resolutions? Try setting SMARTER goals instead industry challenges process improvement Jan 03, 2023

We’re 4 days into the New Year! We hope you had a great holiday and your year is off to a good start. We got that much-needed rest we talked about in our last tip, had some fun, and...

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E162: Increasing your legal fees soon? Here's what you need to know industry challenges Dec 06, 2022

From the moment you step out the door, you’re reminded that the price of everything has gone up this year. Food. Gasoline. Rent. Utilities. You name it, we're paying more for it—...

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E137: What does it take to manage a law firm like a business? industry challenges Jun 15, 2022

Have we done ourselves a disservice by calling ourselves professionals rather than business people? Some of us work in large firms, others run our own. Either way, we’re in business: the...

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E136: Increase efficiency in your law firm with these two questions delegation industry challenges Jun 08, 2022

Does this sound familiar? It’s something we hear often from the lawyers we work with:

I’m worried. I work long hours. My staff and my associates work long hours. We’ve got the...

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