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Gimbal's Tip of the Week

The Lean Law Firm Blog

E193: How better online forms keep your clients happy

process improvement Aug 02, 2023
keyboard submit

Do you like online forms? Do you enjoy entering all your data, hitting submit, and discovering you’ve missed some random bit of info (but the form doesn’t tell you what it is…)? What about writing a long explanation for something, only to have to enter all the same info again on another screen (or after the form crashes)? We’ve all been there and it’s just. so. annoying. Right?

So why do so many law firms use long online intake forms?

Today’s Tip: client-facing forms need to be really easy to complete

Earlier this year, we did a great webinar with Daniel Steinberg of Lawbrokr on how to create online forms that work. Click here if you want the replay

We cover:

✅ The different types of forms that are essential for your law practice.

✅ The psychology of form design and sales.

✅ Tips and strategies to create low-friction workflows that deliver a better client experience and increase conversion rates.

One key takeaway is that people are much more likely to complete “forms” if they’re more like quizzes. People are much happier selecting an answer rather than filling in all the info themselves.

This is especially true at intake when people haven’t engaged you yet. The first touch needs to be smooth and easy for clients, and it needs to move them into your intake process in a way that works for you, too.

Lawbrokr does this, and it’s why we’ve partnered with them and built Lawbrokr into the initial part of the Ultimate Intake Package

Today’s Action Item: Watch the video and review your online forms. Are they easy to complete? Do they provide a good user experience? How can you make them better?

Completing long and cumbersome online intake forms can frustrate clients and reduce your conversion rate. To improve the client experience and increase form completion rates, it is essential to create easy-to-use and interactive forms.

Thanks a lot everybody! See you next week.



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