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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E224: What's Your Power Zone? A better way to think about efficiency.

process improvement productivity Mar 13, 2024
Karen and David Skinner smile at the camera holding cups of coffee.

What does it mean to be efficient in your law firm? Is it using data to drive decisions? Sure. Having an easy-to-use knowledge management system? Yes. Streamlined processes? Of course! All these things help you and your team accomplish more—effectively—and that’s the foundation of efficiency.

Your Tip: Efficiency is having the right people doing the right work the right way.

But what is the right work? 

It’s the work that is in your power zone.

Identify What’s in Your Power Zone.

When you work in your power zone, you are focused on work that you love, the work you’re good at (or learning), and the work delivers the greatest value to your organization. 

Action Item: Grab a coffee and a blank sheet of paper (or a screen) and take a few minutes to describe your power zone. What is the work you love? What are the contributions you make that add the most value to your firm?

Your power zone may be consulting and strategizing with clients, developing new business,  or creating a strong vision for your firm. It may include appearing in court, drafting complex clauses and arguments, and giving final approval to documents drafted by others. Capture everything you think is in your power zone, and ensure you are making enough time in your day to execute the work you do best. Everything else that you do—all the things that are NOT in your power zone—are things you need to work on delegating to others.

Pro Tip: The work that is in your power zone doesn’t have to be the work you’re doing now. In fact, a lot of what you do right now probably ISN’T in your power zone. 

The trick is to identify what is and give yourself time to do more of it. We’ll be talking about how to do that in our upcoming free webinar. Join us today, March 13, for an in-depth look at using the power zone concept to create more profitable, productive workflows in your practice. 

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