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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E227: Boost Your Workday - Unleash Productivity with Art, Pets, and More!

productivity Apr 17, 2024

We talk a lot about productivity through the lens of efficiency, streamlining, and process, but there are other ways to boost productivity. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to explore unconventional approaches to productivity—things like art, pets, naps, and maybe even aromatherapy. Did you know the smell of lemons can boost your energy and concentration at work? 

Why look at these non-conventional productivity boosters? Because humans are not machines. Our objective at Gimbal is to help you build a law practice you love…a practice that gives you the time and freedom to enjoy your life. To do this, you and your team (if you’ve got one) need to accomplish more in less time and with less effort. Since personal productivity comes from more than just the processes we work within, you need to look at other ways to foster personal productivity.

Your Tip: Approaching productivity in new ways can give your team and your operations a big boost.

Join us as we explore unconventional ways to enhance productivity in the coming weeks. Do you have questions about process, productivity, and profitability in your practice? Book a free 30-minute strategy session with us today to discuss your law firm's needs. Let's find innovative ways to advance your practice together. 

Do you have a favourite unconventional productivity booster? We’d love to hear what it is! Tell us in the comments below.

- Karen and David

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