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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E76: Next Stage Legal Project Management

project management Mar 31, 2021
Karen and David

Corporate legal teams and law firms across the globe have invested heavily in legal project management programs in recent years…but are those programs delivering value? Are there decisive strategies and actions that you can take to maximize the value of your LPM program?

Next Stage Legal Project Management: Future-proof Your Matter Management is a new book from Globe Law and Business that's just been published. Our friend and colleague from the International Institute of Legal Project Management, Ignaz Fuesgen, has brought together 26 experts—lawyers, technologists, legal operations managers, and legal management consultants—to share their unique perspectives and insights and help you take your legal project management programs to the next stage.

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Written by practitioners for practitioners, this book will be a great resource for general counsel, legal COOs, managing partners, practice leaders, and any executives running legal services delivery teams. It covers topics like:

  • LPM methodologies;
  • People management;
  • Communication and interaction;
  • Data and performance; and
  • Implementation of LPM program

Karen and I are both pleased and excited to be contributors. Karen’s chapter describes how to build a foundation for legal project management by starting with your processes. In my chapter, I discuss the voice of the client and mastering the art of listening. Here’s a link to the Table of Contents for the book and extracts from our chapters.  

So what’s this week’s tip? If you’re looking for new ideas and inspiration to get more value out of your legal project management programs, or you want to take your LPM skills to the next level, then order your copy of this book right now. There's a discount code in the notes below

Karen and I weren’t paid for our contributions and we don’t make any money off the sale of the book. We’re promoting it because we know many of the contributing authors personally. They are international experts in LPM. We know the immense value they’re sharing with you in this book.

We also know that legal professionals who understand and use legal project management effectively deliver more value for themselves, for their firm and, most importantly, for their clients. Put simply, they’re much more likely to be recognized as true value-driven professionals.

That’s all for this week’s tip. We’ll see you next week.



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