Featured Article: How to Convert Clients and Save Time
Jun 19, 2024
To have an efficient and profitable practice, you need to be able to convert people into clients and manage the back end —i.e. the calls, emails, information collected, and team handoffs— with as much ease as possible.
Your Tip: Optimize your client intake process to save time and convert more people into clients.
Here are three tips that will help improve your intake:
- Pre-screen All Potential New Clients
- Capture Phone Numbers and Build Texting Into Your Law Firm Intake Process
- Use a Pricing Tool to Provide Accurate Flat Fees and Hourly Estimates … Fast
In our latest feature on Attorney at Work we’re breaking down each of these tips so you can take action and make meaningful changes to grow your law firm.
Read the full article, Law Firm Intake: Save Time and Convert More Clients With These 3 Tips, for more details.
Want to get started making meaningful changes to grow your law firm? Join our live webinar next week where we’ll be digging into exactly how you can make your flat fees more accurate..
- Karen and David
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