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Gimbal's Tip of the Week

The Lean Law Firm Blog

E121: Goal setting is your gateway to success

process improvement Feb 15, 2022
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Do you have an inspiring mission statement? If not, have a look last week’s tip, where we challenged you to create one that achieves the 6 objectives of a truly great mission statement.

Once you have an inspiring mission statement, and you’ve put it up on your website, what else do you do with it?

Welcome to Gimbal’s Tip of the Week, where you get practical, actionable advice you can use right away to start building a more productive and profitable legal practice.

Creating or reforming your mission statement takes time and effort. Alone, it can help align your team and achieve greater success…but there’s more (and this is where the value really kicks in). As captivating as it may be, your mission statement alone doesn't tell you or your team WHAT to do next and HOW to prioritize what's important.

We’ve described a mission statement as a flight plan before, but what good is a flight plan without a final destination?  For you and your team to stay focused, you all must be clear on the destination and your roles in getting there. How can you do this? By converting your inspiring mission into equally inspiring, achievement-oriented goals. These goals are your destination.

This week’s tip is to translate your mission statement into at least one achievable goal.

Take us, for example. At Gimbal, we know building a successful law practice takes more than just being a good lawyer. Our mission is to equip lawyers with the business and practice management skills they need to build successful law practices AND have the time and freedom to enjoy their success.

To achieve our mission, we offer a number of products and services. Each one has its own set of goals, all aligned to our mission.

Let’s take our Practice Accelerator Coaching Program as an example.

Our mission—helping lawyers build successful practices and have more time to enjoy their success—translates into a concrete, achievable goal for the coaching program like this:

We will fill the remaining places in the Practice Accelerator Coaching Program by the end of May, 2022, so that 30 lawyers have the advice, coaching, and accountability they need generate more revenue in less time and with less effort.

Having that specific, measurable, achievable, time-limited, realistic, and time-bound goal helps us decide what we need to do next to achieve our objective. For example:

  • How many people do we need to reach every week in order to fill the remaining places?
  • What’s the best marketing strategy to attract the right people for that program?
  • Do we need to ask existing members for personal referrals?
  • Should we introduce ourselves to more potential members through a free training workshop (stay tuned…there’s one coming in March!).

You can do the same thing with your mission statement.

This week’s action item: Create a SMART goal for your most important practice area, product, or service. Then, think about what steps you can take today, this week, and this month to move you closer to that objective.

Value-driven legal professionals establish achievable goals that set a clear direction and guidelines for themselves and their team. And they’re much more likely to remain focused and achieve success in their firm.

Setting achievable goals is just one thing we coach lawyers to do inside our Practice Accelerator small-group coaching program. If you need expert guidance to achieve clarity, eliminate inefficiency, and accelerate your results—if you want to grow your practice (and your revenue) faster than you ever could on your own—this program is for you. Join now! We have a few spaces available.

And that’s it. If you want more information like this, sign up so you never miss a Tip of the Week.

See you next week!



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