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Gimbal's Tip of the Week

The Lean Law Firm Blog

E155: Use the right digital marketing strategies to attract your ideal clients

case study Oct 19, 2022
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Have you ever seen an advertisement and felt like it was made specifically for you?

Chances are you have seen a lot of ads, but this ad resonated with you so well because you were that business’ ideal client, and they knew exactly how to capture your attention.

In the same way, your potential clients are bombarded with lots of advertisements every day. It’s important to find ways to stand out to your ideal clients, so you can attract those you most want to work with and who most want to work with you.

Welcome to Gimbal’s Tip of the Week. Here we are sharing a real-life example of how other legal professionals applied our latest tip, as well as inspiration for how you can apply our tips as you build a more productive and profitable legal practice.

This week’s tip is to use your understanding of your ideal client to design your website and your lead magnet.

In last week’s tip, we saw how one wills and estates practice found creative ways to attract their ideal clients. This week, we’re taking a look at one family law lawyer from our Practice Accelerator Coaching Program who was tired of litigation and trying to move into mediation.

She identified that the hot-button issues for her ideal clients were maintaining the privacy of their personal affairs, not wanting to air their dirty laundry in court, and not wanting a stranger (a judge) to make critical decisions about their family's future.

To appeal to those clients, she used the information she gathered using ideal client worksheet about their biggest needs to improve her content. Then, she redesigned the wording on her webpage to communicate with the right people. She also created a PDF document on how mediation can protect the privacy and autonomy of the parties, to entice these people to connect deeper with her.

Your action item this week is to review your website and lead magnet to determine if they’re tailored to attract your ideal clients. If your content is too general, then you won’t grab the attention of the right people.

  •  Are you hitting the hot button issues for your ideal clients?
  •  Can they tell, immediately, that you understand their problems AND that you have the solution?
  •  Are you using fonts and colors that match your brand, and set the right tone for the work you do or the people you want to work with?

While many visitors may land on your website, you must use the right tools to get your ideal clients to stay on the site, opt-in to receive your lead magnet, and be convinced of why they should work with you.

If you need help determining who are your ideal clients, our Ideal Client Worksheet is just what you need. Download it today and get started. 


You can apply our weekly tips to any practice. Don’t miss another. 


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