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Gimbal's Tip of the Week

The Lean Law Firm Blog

E156: Coaching: The simple yet powerful solution to positively transform your law firm

process improvement Oct 26, 2022

Are you sacrificing personal time, working long hours, and worrying too much, all in the name of running a successful practice?

When I started out, firms expected associates to work non-stop and give up things they loved. Even now, we often prioritize client work over attorney wellbeing. That’s nuts. You can escape the hustle culture, work less, achieve more, and end the overwhelm you’re feeling... you just need the right advice and resources.

Welcome to Gimbal’s Tip of the Week, where you get practical, actionable advice you can use right away to start building a more productive and profitable legal practice (without working so hard).

This week’s tip is to find guidance and accountability, so you can succeed in your law firm business and have the freedom to enjoy your success.

Professional athletes know that guidance and coaching are non-negotiable. Why? Because a good coach provides athletes with quality training and industry knowledge, walking beside them and holding them accountable as they work to achieve their goals. The same applies to you as you work towards your goal of building a practice you love.

It’s time to get the advice and support you need! That’s where David and I come in.

We’ve been in your shoes. We've worked crazy hours, missed special occasions, and canceled vacations. But we've also spent years adapting proven business improvement strategies and principles to our profession, and coaching lawyers just like you.

If you’re ready to achieve clarity, eliminate inefficiency and accelerate results at your firm, our Practice Accelerator Coaching is right for you. This exclusive small-group coaching program will help you to create financial freedom and the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family.

Your action item this week is to take the leap and join Practice Accelerator (PA) Coaching.  

Start now and you can jump right into the November coaching sessions. You’ll get:

  •  Practice management, sales, and marketing coaching
  •  Monthly accountability calls
  •  Insight sessions with industry experts
  •  Quarterly spotlights on topics you want to learn more about and
  •  On-demand resources through our coaching hub

Plus, the price is going up in January. By joining now, you’ll lock in your coaching at this year’s price.

Here's what one law firm owner said about his experience in PA Coaching Program:

“We were able to accomplish so much. Our team was able to come together to immediately start working together. We were able to work through workflows because we started by identifying our ideal client and how we wanted to be as a firm. It was truly eye-opening for me.

I have a long way to go. But I wouldn't be here if not for your help. I am only utilizing a very small percentage of what you offer. And yet it has made all the difference.

Delegation and admin processes are on my plate this week. Again, because of you. I don't want to sound too over the top, so I will simply say thank you.”

  •  Bryan Eggleston, co-founder, Eggleston Law Firm

This, too, can be you! Join PA Coaching today and achieve your goals faster than you ever could on your own.



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