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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E225: Learn how to use AI to increase your Law Firm's SOP writing efficiency

process improvement Mar 27, 2024
A robotic hand reaches up towards a geometric web like framework floating in a vast deep blue space.

When it comes to efficiency, ensuring all team members are on the same page is key. The number one way to do this? Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs for short. 

Creating SOPs can be a daunting task. It can take time and effort to create a clear, comprehensive guide for your team. Your time is valuable. You want to be spending it in your Power Zone (which probably isn’t writing SOPs)

Your Tip: Simplify your SOP creation process by using an AI tool, like ChatGPT. Give it your current guideline and let AI expand it into detailed procedures you can tweak and use with your team.

Taking advantage of this type of tool allows you to cut hours of wasted time and avoid doing something that you probably didn’t love to begin with. 

How to use ChatGPT to write an SOP

When we tested ChatGPT for creating SOPs, we began by uploading our in-house guidelines for onboarding new clients. The guide was helpful as it was, but it wasn’t a real SOP. With the guide uploaded, we asked it to use what we shared to create a detailed SOP. 

ChatGPT took about 10 seconds to deliver us the purpose, scope, responsibilities, and step-by-step actions required to execute the task. 

We then asked it to go the next step and provide an SOP for adding new clients to a common practice management software, in this case, Clio. In seconds, ChatGPT gave us an additional SOP specifically outlining the steps required by a member of our team to add a new client to Clio.

The output you get from an AI platform like ChatGPT isn’t going to be perfect, but it will give you a great framework to build from. In moments, it completely transforms a complex task into a manageable one.

Bonus Tip: You can use ChatGPT to create supplementary materials such as Quick Reference Guides that distill your SOPs into easily digestible, accessible, and actionable formats. This dual approach ensures that SOPs are not just documented but integrated into daily operations, enhancing overall efficiency and compliance.

Want to expand your SOPs and create something everyone on your team will follow with ease? Join our free, newly updated SOPs webinar, happening April 11 at 12 p.m. Eastern, where we’ll be talking about how to create SOPs and refine them with AI.

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