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Gimbal's Tip of the Week

The Lean Law Firm Blog

E152: Writing Professional Email: 6 Easy Improvements for Better Communication

case study process improvement Sep 28, 2022
man writing email

How many hours do you spend following up with clients for information you’ve asked for by email? How often are you frustrated when someone asks a question you’ve just answered via email?

Research shows that the average person receives over 100 emails a day. That’s A LOT! 

When you consider this volume of incoming emails, along with all the other tasks that a person has to get done at the office, it's no surprise that a whopping 83% of business emails are never opened

Welcome to Gimbal’s Tip of the Week, where you get practical, actionable advice you can use right away to start building a more productive and profitable legal practice.

This week’s tip is to think about email as a productivity tool—a tool you can definitely improve.

According to some research, poor writing—much of which comes in the form of email—cost businesses $400 billion every year. That’s just in the US! In law, badly written emails and poor processes around the use of email in a law practice are significant sources of inefficiency.

By investing a little time into learning how to write emails people will open, read, and understand quickly, and by setting up rules around email use (like when to cc people and how to use Reply All properly) you’ll actually save time across your practice. That’s why in Tip #150, we highlighted the importance of writing enticing subject lines that get your emails opened. Then, in last week’s tip, we encouraged you to eliminate legalese, so your emails are easier for clients to understand.

Now, it’s time to take your email skills a step further.

Your action item: Sign up for our live, online email course on October 13 and turn email into a productivity tool rather than a productivity killer. 

By the end of this 90-minute course, you’ll know how to:

  •  Tailor your email to your audience
  •  Communicate more effectively with clients and colleagues
  •  Write stronger subject lines
  •  Structure your content so people are more likely to give you the responses you need

Bring your team, so everyone learns how to communicate more effectively with clients and with each other.

Register today.



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