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E16: Legal Writing Tip: Pruning Puffery In Your Writing legal writing Jan 07, 2020

Hello and welcome back to Gimbal’s Tip of the Week. It’s time for our monthly legal writing tip. Today, we’re talking about pruning puffery in your legal writing.

I’m Karen...

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E15: Three New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep Dec 31, 2019

Hello and happy new year! I can’t believe it’s already 2020. Welcome back to a whole new year of profitability and productivity tips to help you make the most of your law practice.


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E14: Happy Holiday Wishes and last December challenge from Gimbal process improvement productivity Dec 23, 2019

Hello and welcome to the Christmas edition of our Tip of the Week. Want to watch this tip instead?

I’m David Skinner. I’m a lawyer and process improvement expert.

Throughout December,...

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E13: Challenge - cut the interruptions process improvement productivity Dec 17, 2019

Welcome back to our December practice challenge series. Two weeks ago, I challenged you to eliminate redundancy in your writing. Last week, David challenged you to take one small step towards...

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E12: Commoditization isn’t a four-letter word process improvement productivity Dec 10, 2019

For the month of December, we’re giving you a challenge each week. Last week Karen challenged you all to eliminate redundancy in your writing. Today, we’re challenging you to boost the...

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E11: Legalese - no one misses it legal writing productivity Dec 03, 2019

Time for our once-a-month writing tip. We waste too much energy on inefficient writing in law. Fix your writing and you’ll save time, effort, and frustration.

Last month, we talked about ...

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E10: Put a Little Process In Your Practice matter management process improvement Nov 26, 2019

Today’s tip is super-quick: if you don’t have a process for something you do more than once, you’re wasting time and leaving money on the table.

Want to watch this tip...

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E9: Top Apps for Matter Management matter management process improvement Nov 19, 2019

If you've followed us at all, you know we start our matter management boards and process maps the old-school way: sticky notes on the wall. The banner image for this post is a shot of one of our...

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E8: How do I structure my matter management (kanban) board? matter management productivity Nov 12, 2019

Last week we featured Karen’s monthly legal writing tip. And she really brought her training as a professional editor to the game, providing simple and clear advice on how to write for the...

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E7: Write for the Way People Read legal writing process improvement Nov 05, 2019

Today is our once-a-month legal writing tip and this one is going to change the way you handle every single message you write. You need to write for the way people read. And don't miss my new...

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E6: The Billable Hour Zombie Redux matter management productivity Oct 30, 2019

This week, in the true spirit of Halloween, we’re talking about zombies…and billable hours. As my friend Peter Carayiannis says, “The billable hour is a zombie…We...

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E5: Why would I get more efficient when I bill by the hour? industry challenges process improvement Oct 23, 2019

Today we’re going to introduce you to the most common objection lawyers give to process improvement—and the three questions you can use to overcome it.

Want to watch this tip instead?


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