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E225: Learn how to use AI to increase your Law Firm's SOP writing efficiency process improvement Mar 27, 2024

When it comes to efficiency, ensuring all team members are on the same page is key. The number one way to do this? Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs for short. 

Creating SOPs can be a...

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Featured Article: 5 Tips to Win Over New Clients at Your Law Firm process improvement Mar 20, 2024

In our last Attorney at Work Feature, we shared tried and true ways to improve your phone-answering process. The next step is upgrading your firm’s new client onboarding process.

When you...

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E224: What's Your Power Zone? A better way to think about efficiency. process improvement productivity Mar 13, 2024

What does it mean to be efficient in your law firm? Is it using data to drive decisions? Sure. Having an easy-to-use knowledge management system? Yes. Streamlined processes? Of course! All these...

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E223: Our #1 tip to effectively manage email inboxes as a lawyer delegation Mar 06, 2024

Did you know that professionals get an average of 120 emails a day? Think about the emails coming into your inbox in a day. Chances are most of them are useless but they still suck up your precious...

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E222: How using AI can quickly and effectively help you harness the power of your legal niche industry challenges process improvement Feb 28, 2024

There’s an old saying in marketing: the riches are in the niches. Defining a clear niche for your legal services is not just about narrowing your focus; it's about sharpening your edge in a...

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E221: How prospective client calls are a goldmine of opportunity for your law practice! industry challenges process improvement Feb 21, 2024

As lawyers, taking calls from prospective clients is a must. In a time where there are abundant choices and advertising is being pushed for different types of legal help, those potential clients...

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E220: How to change the way people work and improve outcomes at your law practice process improvement Feb 14, 2024

Welcome to the final installment of our DMAIC series. We’ve covered (Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve.) If you’re working through a project, that means you’ve defined your...

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E219: You've figured out what's wrong with your law what? process improvement Feb 07, 2024

Welcome to the next installment of our Practice Accelerator Framework series: Improve. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze,...

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E218: Could this 3-letter word help you improve your law practice? process improvement Jan 31, 2024

Welcome back to our series on the Practice Accelerator framework based on DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), a structured approach to process improvement. 

At this stage,...

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E217: Three Easy Ways to Use Measure from DMAIC for Process Improvement industry challenges process improvement Jan 24, 2024

Welcome back to our series on the Practice Accelerator Framework based on DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), a structured approach to process improvement. 

We started the...

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E216: How to use 'Define' of DMAIC to improve your legal practice process improvement Jan 17, 2024

Last week, we introduced you to the Practice Accelerator Framework based on DMAIC, a five-step approach to streamlining legal and business processes in your firm. It’s the starting place for...

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E215: DMAIC - Learn the 5-step approach we use in every process improvement project process improvement Jan 10, 2024

You can’t build a law practice you love if your processes are grinding you down. If routine work takes too long or seems too complicated, it’s time to think about improving HOW you...

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