Efficiency in your inbox.
Have you ever seen an advertisement and felt like it was made specifically for you?
Chances are you have seen a lot of ads, but this ad resonated with you so well because you were that...
Last week’s tip, was about identifying your ideal clients so you can serve more of the right people at your firm. But identifying your ideal client is just the first step. The next is to...
As the saying goes, ‘You can’t be everything to everyone.’
This saying rings true also in your professional life as a lawyer whose focus is to run a successful firm. If you try...
How many hours do you spend following up with clients for information you’ve asked for by email? How often are you frustrated when someone asks a question you’ve just answered via...
How many files do you have pending because you’ve been waiting on a reply from a client or received an incomplete response? My guess is there’s a handful lying around.
As lawyers, we spend hours every week sending emails, and we sure hope they get read. However, according to recent statistics, 83% of business emails never even get opened.
As a business owner,...
It's been a great summer here at Gimbal. David and I made time to relax and enjoy some family time, and I got the chance to refocus on my watercolour painting, which was great. In the midst of it...
Have you ever noticed that nearly every business that runs out of cash seems to run out of it “suddenly”? They’re focused on other priorities. They say, “I never saw it...
Look around your house after work today. I’m sure you’ll be able to spot at least one thing you regret spending money on. If not, then hats off to you. As for the rest of us, it’s...
Are all your matters profitable? We often work with firms that want to grow their top-line revenue by launching a subscription services product or a new practice area, but they haven’t done...
Last month we worked ON our business and encouraged you to do the same. This month, we’re taking some time at the beach to relax and for us, beach time means reading time.
Here are some of...
Are you a salesperson? A lot of lawyers feel uncomfortable with the idea of selling their services. But think about it for a second. You’re selling your knowledge, professional...