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Featured Article: 5 Tips To Streamline Time Entry For Lawyers industry challenges process improvement Jul 24, 2024

One of our clients once tracked how much time she spent entering her time and applied her billable rate. How much do you think it was across a year?


Yes. This partner was spending the...

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E233: Say goodbye to hourly rates and make the switch to fearless flat-fees industry challenges matter management productivity project management Jul 10, 2024

If you knew you would earn more money with a flat fee than an hourly rate, would you switch? 

There are lots of good reasons to make the switch, like:

  • Clients like the predictability and...
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Featured Article: How to Convert Clients and Save Time process improvement Jun 19, 2024

To have an efficient and profitable practice, you need to be able to convert people into clients and manage the back end —i.e. the calls, emails, information collected, and team...

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E232: Stay Focused With Quick After-Action Reviews for Your Law Firm process improvement Jun 12, 2024

We’re 6 months into the year. Are you on track to meet your annual goals?

If you committed to setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals this year, now is a good time to review those goals and see where...

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E231: The challenges and solutions to unplugging at work for improved productivity May 29, 2024

How long can you be completely “away” and unplugged from your law firm? No work-related phone calls, no checking email, no checking in with the office, and no worrying about it while...

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Featured Article: Boost Your Law Firm's Success With Quality Onboarding process improvement May 22, 2024

Once you’ve hired the right team to support your law firm, you’ll want to make their onboarding process as smooth as possible.

In our latest featured article on Attorney at Work,...

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E230: Start Using Exercise Snacks To Boost Energy and Productivity During Work! May 15, 2024

Have you ever tried to cram a workout in at the end of a long day? Or have your exercise plans been derailed when you had to work late? It’s hard to find time for exercise when you’re...

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E229: How Pets Can Benefit Your Bottom Line and Team Productivity productivity May 08, 2024

When it comes to unconventional productivity boosters, pets may be the easiest (and most popular) of the strategies we are sharing!

The great thing about this strategy is you don’t need to...

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E228: How Embracing Creativity Can Boost Your Law Firm's Productivity productivity Apr 24, 2024

When it comes to productivity in your law firm, we often focus on things like delegating time-consuming tasks to AI or improving your client processes. However, there’s another unconventional...

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E227: Boost Your Workday - Unleash Productivity with Art, Pets, and More! productivity Apr 17, 2024

We talk a lot about productivity through the lens of efficiency, streamlining, and process, but there are other ways to boost productivity. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to explore...

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Featured Article: Propel Your Law Firm To The Next Level With Great Hiring Processes process improvement Apr 10, 2024

Reliable processes make work at your law firm more simple, streamlined, and effective. In our recent Attorney at Work featured articles, we explained ways to improve your phone answering and new...

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E226: Everyone hates email! Save time & annoyance with a scheduling app delegation process improvement productivity Apr 03, 2024

You’ve got prospective clients in your inbox. They want to talk to you, but how much time are you spending going back and forth to book that meeting? 

Fun fact: on average, it takes 7...

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